Wissenschaftlicher Förderpreis der Wiener Umweltschutzabteilung 2016
In December 2016, Isabella Pilzer was awarded one of the 12 scientific funding awards of the Vienna Environmental Protection Department. The diploma thesis submitted for the prize is titled: Qualitative recording of the lichens of the Vienna Central Cemetery.
In course of this diploma thesis 49 lichen species were found in the Zentralfriedhof, a cemetery in the city of Vienna, Austria. Alltogether 21 species, namely Bilimbia sabuletorum, Caloplaca flavocitrina, Catillaria lenticularis, C. nigroclavata, Lecania cyrtella, L. erysibe, L. fuscella, L. naegelii, L. sordida, Lecanora semipallida, Lecidella achristotera, Lempholemma polyanthes, Lepraria finkii, Verrucaria asperula, V. breussii, V. furfuracea, V. fusca, V. glaucovirens, V. macrostoma, V. ochrostoma and V. tectorum, were recorded for the first time from Vienna. Lecania sordida and Verrucaria breussii were new to Austria. A checklist for all 178 lichen species yet reported from Vienna has been compiled.
Isabella Pilzer, third from left, www.wien.gv.at/gallery2/rk/run.php
Johanna Westerdijk Award (April 2015, Amsterdam, CBS-KNAW)
For his outstanding contribution to the systematics of Ascomycetes and to the culture collection of the CBS Walter Jaklitsch has been awarded the Johanna Westerdijk Award, in April 2015. http://www.imafungus.org/Issue/61/04.pdf
European Non-Wood-Forest-Products Final Conference
The final conference of the COST-Action
FPS COST Action FP1203 European non-wood forest products network (NWFPs)
will be held in Ljubljana in March 2017, our group leader is participating in this cost action will attend the conference