Associated with Austrian Mycological Society and the Herbarium
Tight associations exist with the Austrian Mycological Society and the Herbarium.
The Austrian mycological Society in collaboration with our research group offers identification service of findings, instructions by specialists, the possibility of doing microscopy, the possibility of freeze-drying the collectibles, the use of an extensive fungal herbarium and of a mycological library, cxcursions under expert guidance, scientific and popular science lectures, the Newsletter of the Society and the Austrian Journal of Mycology.
Mushroom presentation table. Foto: H. Valda
Mycological herbarium specimen
Excursion group at the mushroom presentation table. Foto: H. Valda
Excursion group at the mushroom presentation table. Foto: H. Valda
Mycological herbarium
Editorship of Sydowia and Austrian Journal of Mycology
Our research group has the editorship of the two scientific mycological journals Sydowia and Austrian Journal of Mycology. Both are internationally known and esteemed journals dealing with original research relevant to fungal taxonomy, systematics, evolution, structure, development, ecology, and biotechnological applications. Sydowia contents are covered in the Science Citation Index®, SCOPUS, SciSearch®, Research Alert®, and Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences. The Austrian journal of mycology is indexed and abstracted in CABI.
Nature protection activities, mushroom intoxication counseling, press interviews...
Our research group is regularly engaged in several ways into public acitivities, reaching from the „fungus of the year“ for the nature protection organisation, via - life saving - mushroom counseling for hospitals, mushroom counseling for the public, public lectures, press, television and radio interviews, congresses, meetings, …